Saturday, November 26, 2011

In 2011, What I'm thankful for...TOP 3!!!

As Thanksgiving weekend comes to a close, I have been contemplating and I have come up with a Top 3 things I am thankful for in 2011.
I kid you not, these are the things that I am thankful for...

Are you sure?

Are you really really ready?

really really really sure?

ok, I'll stop pulling your leg.  Here we go...NUMERO UNO!
I am thankful that Zombie Apocalypse has not yet happened and there aren't any zombies on my lawn. I've watched Walking Dead... and I know for a fact that I would definitely not have survived that, or I would be one of the first to become the brain-eating undead.  I am going to start planting sunflowers just in case of a ZA, I just hope a military genius is among the bunch I plant.....

I am grateful that I don't actually live near sparkly vampires with bland personalities and their Mary-Sue girlfriends.  The thought alone makes me nauseous.  I am a true Anti-Twihard so sparkly vamps are fun to make fun of but only from afar.


I am grateful for YouTube, because I get to watch performances by awesomely talented people...FOR FREE!!!  Great entertainment for free?!? That's golden food for your soul, right there.
From left to right: the Fun Amy and Nick of Karmin, really really funny and talented David So, lovely Sam Tsui, and the multi-talented Nick Pitera
Disclaimer: there are a LOT more Awesome YouTubers that I like....just, I got lazy trying to draw all of them. I especially like the artists Kurt Hugo Schneider produces videos with.  So everyone clickey clickey those links and be blown away~!

And now it's time for Christmas~a season of good will and hope!!!