Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Name Tags with paws and The Sneetch

The past 3 weeks I've been working on these sweeties:
Let's be honest, the true star of this picture is the premier laminating machine.
I was making these name tags for some of my co-workers.  There's an inside joke, but I can't tell you because then I would have to kill you for finding out too much about our secret sect and our ultimate plan to take over the world. 

I'm kidding, of course.

Or, am I?

Anyway, since I've been kind of lazy and heat weary, and it's been increasingly harder to hide my art adventures at home, it took me 3 weeks to make these. 

My boss had to teach me how to laminate. Lamination takes great knowledge and skills.  And practice.  Use the Lamination wisely, dear friends.

These aren't for my coworkers but for my friends:
Everyone loves kittens.  You cannot deny this fact. If you understand the reference to the top kitty, we should be friends.  As soon as possible, if you don't mind.

In my academic life, I'm taking an anthropology class that has an assignment in which I need access to a child and read Dr Seuss' The Sneetches.  I actually don't have any confidence in dealing with children.  In hopes to win the love of little children and avoid judgement from their innocent all-seeing eyes, I made this:
Yo, I'm a Plain-Belly Sneetch.  Whaddup?
There's a star upon thars. Thou art a Star-Bellied Sneetch now.  Go Forth Chosen One and become a Plain-Bellied Sneetch.
The Sneetches is a brilliant book, by the way.  Y'all should read it. Let us hope the children won't eat me alive when I finally do read to them.

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