Sunday, September 11, 2011

Disney + Samurai Movies = Crazy @$$ Chic in My Head

I finally watched Tangled a few weeks ago.  It was FANTASTIC and it killed me with its cuteness.
...I wonder if Rapunzel's hair can "heal" the idiot/crazy part of my brain? 
Yes, I do own a magic my head.

Soon after watching Tangled,  my brain had a brilliant idea to watch a violent and crazy samurai movie, 13 Assassins.  Then it decided to toss images sent from the optics nerves into a blender and create this drink of crazy:
Samurai Rapunzel and Her Crazy Killer Hair

This is what I learned in college:  Don't mix Downers with Uppers.
This is what college didn't teach me:  Don't mix Disney with Crazies.


  1. Lalalalalalala, just checkin' how this comment thing works.

  2. samurai rapunzel would be an awesome disney character!
