Wednesday, July 11, 2012


I had a boba/art date with a artsy homie last week and she showered me with these fantastically wonderful ballpoint pens called INKJOY.  My hands were having PENgasms. It was ...sigh...magical.  They just glide across the paper with heavenly smoothness.  Sigh, so lovely.

 When I sketch people from observation, I try to make it a habit to sketch with a pen so I would sketch faster and not be hesitant.  So the following are sketches I did during work using the INKJOY pens.

 I could see the scapula of the boy with the hat.  That was interesting in a non-interesting way.
This dude was mostly straight faced during the time I was spying on him but he smiled/giggled once when he was reading the calculus book. I don't hate on calculus and I've read that same book before...but I don't recall it ever being humorous.  
I cheated.  I referenced a photo. Please don't sue me.

Today's dose of coffee:  Large cup of French Vanilla coffee in the morning and a can of Espresso at night. 

A cup a day, keeps the headache away.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

FanGirl-ing over Fuck No Greg Land

Lately, I've been a little obsessed with a delightfully amusing blog called Fuck No Greg Land

I am a first generation Asian-American.
So, I tend to levitate toward Manga/Anime.  It's written in our Asian DNA, really can't avoid it.  Therefore, I basically don't read or come into any close contact with American comics.

Anyway, the blog consists the frustrated rants from a despairer of Greg Land's artwork. 
At first, when I was introduced to the blog as a guide of what not to do, I was:

I was confused.  I didn't get it because, on a superficial glance, I thought Greg Land's art was kind of beautiful and appealing.  
As I started to read more of the blog and be exposed to more Greg Land's artwork, it Clicked!
Though he does indeed have some talents like in details and shading.......his just so..........bad  and it hyper-sexualizes women. It irks me. Just, just, go to the blog.  Go. Amuse yourselves.  A part of me wants Greg Land to continue his bad work so the Fuck No Greg Land blog could exist forever.

I am an anti-Twihard and I am guilty of being a h8ter. Then, I thought to myself: wouldn't it be amusing IF they made a Twilight saga comic and Greg Land illustrated the whooooooooooooole thing? As a friend of mine said, it would be "beautifully horrible" because all that series needs is not hips, incomplete appendages, melon-like pancaked boobs, exploding biceps, and we cannot forget the key ingredient, PORN FACES, to really complete the Twilight picture. 
So I drew:
I basically put Kristen Stewart's head on Pamela Anderson's body and R. PatZ's head on Arnold Schwarzenegger's body.  I probably should have traced to achieve Greg Land's hyper realistic style, but I don't know, I didn't feel like tracing.  Greg Land also has really nice line quality which I don't have patience for.

Friends, please, allow me to break down my drawing into Greg Land elements:
The boobs and the hips were the hardest to draw for me because it went against all of my instincts:
"Oh, wow, these boobs are big.  MUST MAKE THEM BIGGAH."
"hmmmm. want to make curves, wait, no...HAVE TO MAKE TORSO LONGER.  MUST NOT HAVE HIPS."

To be fair, I have many many faults in my work and he gets paid for his work, while I don't.  I shall now leave you with one of my drawing that demonstrates one of my faults: The Floating Head
Done with water soluble color pencils.  It's supposed to be Yukari from Paradise Kiss Liive Action.  Supposed to be.

Random Post School Thoughts.

This past semester really inspired me to try to constantly draw in a sketchbook, even draw random thoughts. Currently, undergoing art classes withdrawal.   
Remedy: drinking and painting with coffee. 
Of course, taking one obsession to remedy another obsession's withdrawal is a perfectly sane and healthy solution.

If the Random thoughts are hard to read:
[top] "No more art classes. I don't know what to do with myself."
[middle] "Covertly claiming ownership of leftover coffee."  From a Potluck, of course.  I do not break the law.
[bottom] "Went to Japanese store....Saw Recent J-Fashion Fad 'Doll Face Make-up' And it FREAKED ME OUT"