Monday, November 19, 2012

Tacklin' the Cold and Battlin' the ARTing Block

 I was sick for about a week or more, so....
My mom blamed my cold on the following:
My night owl ways,
My liking of sleeping on the floor or bean bag,
and My Arting, 
Rather than, you know, blame the Bipolar SoCal weather. 

Due to my icky cold,  I missed classes and I kind of fell into an Arting Block.  I basically stopped drawing for a week, which really wasn't a consequence before when I was pretending to be a science nerd but now I'm taking an art class.  Not drawing is like committing the ULTIMATE SIN.  Anyway, the first time I drew in a week (finally forcing myself) was a still life in class...

...yeah, leave it to me to make a stuffed green coyote look like a pimp in a zoot suit chillin' in Red District.
This was done in Copic markers, which by the way are amazing.

PS--I don't know how many of y'all have Facebook but I made a RieVerse Facebook page, so if you have Facebook...Let's hang out in Facebook Land!


  1. Haha Ahhh love your drawings! <3 Bundled up once in a furry vest because it was so cold. My friend asked me where my sleigh of dogs were.

    Coyote looks like Willie (coyote from looney toons. when he's sick Not drawing for a week is the ultimate sin...of art class. Don't know about your class but when I took art, we had to submit sketchbooks.

    Hope you recover from your cold soon!

    1. Thank you <3 Haha when my friends used to come over they used to wear ski jackets and gloves and beanie IN MY HOUSE. XD

      Well, for this present art class...I've lost all hope in doing well. The instructor used to give us 8 pages of drawing HW twice a week...and I just couldn't keep up, so I missed classes to catch up and then I got sick and then I missed MORE classes and now I'm having nightmares about the final and basically...this class has become a disaster for me. It's okay, I'm going to put on some Reba 'cuz "I'm a survivor" XD The illustration class and figure drawing class I took last year required us to turn in sketchbooks but not this Rendering class. I think it's b/c it's a technical class.

      Awwww, you're so sweet. I actually got over my cold abt 1.5 wks ago. I just was too lazy lug my scanner out of the closet to scan these. SO THIS POST IS A LIE. A LIE.

    2. That is terrible! D8 I've been guilty of doing that. I hope you pull through. You have such a heavy course load in art compared to mine (then again I'm not majoring in art). Oh Reba. I used to watch that show a lot.

      Haha I've got drawings in my computer that I started months ago and never finished. And then when I get to finishing them, I usually add a few adjustments and say "Whelp, good enough".
