There's a viable reason to why I haven't been updating this blog:
On Thursday morning I "finished" the most expensive art project I've ever done: financially, physically, and emotionally.
It was financially expensive because it was done in copic markers, in which I invested a few sets. I also bought three illustration board for practice, final version, and just in case I screw up. In addition, I ran out of ink in 2 of the markers, so I invested in these refill inks as well. I even got a mini-projector.
It was physically expensive because the week it was due I had about less than 15 hours of sleep and I slept on the floor on a bean bag. Hahaha, tonight will be the first time I'll sleep in my bed.
It was emotionally stressful because, to be honest, I really didn't want to do it. Photorealism, especially of objects, is not my forte. So, I procrastinated and procrastinated. I started working on the actual board much later than my classmates, even though I was practicing rendering some of the objects beforehand. Sometimes I would crawl into a fetal position and weep hypothetical tears. Then 2 weeks before the due date, I had nightmares about the project. 3 days before the due date, I started to go on a facebook spree, basically spamming my friends' newsfeed with WTFness every 10 minutes or so. I honestly believed that I was never going to finish it.
Yupe, it was expensive. But now it's done and over. And I miss it.
So, lo and ridiculously expensive project:
I took this picture around 3:30 am on Thursday. The project was due at exactly 8 am on Thursday. Incomplete was a F. Late work was knocked down a grade. Yes, I know. I was pretty much screwed.
At this point I was "OMG OMG OMG OMG. SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT. Fuck FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK. I'm going to dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee." |
Then, around 6:15 am-ish I had this:
whoa...what kind of witchery is this? |
So was I, so was I. Pleasantly surprised, in fact.
And...the final version that I actually presented at 8 am:
It's "final" because it now has a signature. Hahaha, just playin' ya. I also made some touch ups and fixed some micro-mistakes. |
In truth, I am both very happy and somewhat disappointed in this project. I'm happy because, "OMG. I DREW SOMETHING THAT'S NOT A CARTOON. AND IT LOOKS KIND OF REALISTIC. I CAN'T BELIEVE I DREW THIS." I'm disappointed because I knew I took some shortcuts, like ignoring details, and I wanted to make it more "photorealistic."
Anyway, much thanks to my rendering classmates and friends who were encouraging and let me have my facebook freakout without prejudice.
Peace out, and good luck on finals, y'all.
--Post Script--
The photo that the project was based on:
This is a Japanese dish Ozoni(お雑煮)that we eat on New Year's day. My cousin in Japan made this. This specific dish has baked Mochi (rice cake), carrot, peas, Shiitake mushroom, Kamaboko(fish cake), Buri (Japanese Yellowtail fish), and chicken.