Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry 2012 Christmas...

...I'm writing this post in between daily chores, creativity went out the window. That is my explanation for the lack of cheery Christmas-y creativity and template-like title.

Anyway, here is some retro Rie-art that I downloaded from my own deviantart. Look at that date, THAT DATE.  This drawing is a decade old, A DECADE.  I feel old.
So typically manga-tactic.  Avoiding drawing hands by making them conveniently disappear...somewhere....under.....the.....bear?
BE SAFE, Y'ALL...and have fun, doing all those great Christmas-y stuff.


  1. That's a cute drawing. x3 I love looking at those improvement drawing memes. Anyway, Merry Christmas, Rie!

    1. Merry Christmas to you too, Neve~~!!!

      hahaha, maybe I should try redrawing her to see how much I improved. This time I might be more clever of where I hide her hand.
