Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Children Killing Games -- BR

I think my Facebook Status really sums up what happened:
So, I watched Hunger Games. 

And then I had the urge to rewatch Battle Royale. So, I did.
And then I had the urge to rewatch Battle Royale II. So, I did.

What I realized:
1.) BR II is a hideously ridiculous movie. I think it was meant to make a controversial point, and maybe even be inspirational...but I was, "oh. so uhm. who died again? Do I need to care at this point?" 
2.) I ship Shuya + Noriko....a... lot. Why?

Happy News!  I'm taking Illustration again!  In this class we do a lot of pen & ink work. To ease my way back to pen & ink I decided to do some BR fan art in this particular media:
Red! RED! So much REDDddddd!!
Shuya and Noriko had a certain subtle and beautiful chemistry, in my opinion, that shined through the blood bath.
I find Fujiwara Tatsuya (Shuya Nanahara) to be very beautiful but I find him so difficult to draw!  My mind keeps on telling me that his face is a very flatly smooshed egg, and my hands can't seem to comprehend what my mind is relaying.  This was my third attempt to draw him but UGH. So, I splashed red ink on his face.  I think by the time I got to Maeda Aki (Noriko Nakagawa) I think I got a little bit of hang of what I was doing with the pen & ink and I assess that she looks "decent".  

PS- I liked Hunger Games movie, it has its own charms but I think Battle Royale is still the better made movie.  I also don't think Hunger Games "ripped off" Battle Royale, despite the eerie similarity of their premises, mostly because of the attitudes of the main characters and the feelings I felt when watching the movies.  When I watched Hunger Games, I felt a slight feeling of hope and excitement; while with Battle Royale I felt despair, sadness, and a great anger (there might have been a feeling of hope somewhere but ...).

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

CYMK minus the K Streaks on Puppy Love.

I was trying to figure out which ink cartridge didn't have ink and little did I know what kind of surprise the paper feeder was planning...
Rain.  Pouring Rain of Color.  Look at that rain go.

...yes.  The printer printed over an original sketch.  One I quite liked, I must add.  I'm actually not that upset over it because it seems to look cooler.

What the original looked like:
You know y'all had that  much older person crush when you were little. No? Just me? 

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Beauty and the Beast and the Lurker

So, I have an unhealthy obsession over CW's  Beauty and the Beast.  Like, excessively unhealthy. I say this because the show is actually not very good, it kind of has terrible writing. But, it is my guilty pleasure because of the Chemistry between Jay Ryan(The beast, aka Vincent Keller) and Kristen Kreuk(The beauty, aka Catherine "Cat" Chandler) is so very delicious. It seems that the writers are heads over heels in love with Vincent and Cat that they put all their fan girl energy into writing Vincent/ Cat scenes and then slack off when writing the rest of the show.  Naturally, as a fangirl I wanted to draw fan art and so I did:
Lurker Rie is watching you eat...
In fan art, I generally like to insert myself in the fandom because well it's funny.  I mean, c'mon, fat Asian girl being so out of place....you have to laugh! On other terms, I started this fan art in Thanksgiving and didn't finish it until 2013 rolled in -- this is my explanation for the turkey. SO BELATED OR SUPER DUPER EARLY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE.