Saturday, January 5, 2013

Beauty and the Beast and the Lurker

So, I have an unhealthy obsession over CW's  Beauty and the Beast.  Like, excessively unhealthy. I say this because the show is actually not very good, it kind of has terrible writing. But, it is my guilty pleasure because of the Chemistry between Jay Ryan(The beast, aka Vincent Keller) and Kristen Kreuk(The beauty, aka Catherine "Cat" Chandler) is so very delicious. It seems that the writers are heads over heels in love with Vincent and Cat that they put all their fan girl energy into writing Vincent/ Cat scenes and then slack off when writing the rest of the show.  Naturally, as a fangirl I wanted to draw fan art and so I did:
Lurker Rie is watching you eat...
In fan art, I generally like to insert myself in the fandom because well it's funny.  I mean, c'mon, fat Asian girl being so out of have to laugh! On other terms, I started this fan art in Thanksgiving and didn't finish it until 2013 rolled in -- this is my explanation for the turkey. SO BELATED OR SUPER DUPER EARLY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE.

1 comment:

  1. Haha My guilty pleasure was watching Wizards of Waverly Place (it ended already). One friend even hates Selena Gomez so I was careful not to mention it.

    I love Kristen Kreuk. She's an amazing actress. But at least the romance scenes are good. I watch Supernatural out of habit even though the quality of the scripts seem to have gone down for some episodes.

    Some lovely art as usual, Rie. x3
