Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Children Killing Games -- BR

I think my Facebook Status really sums up what happened:
So, I watched Hunger Games. 

And then I had the urge to rewatch Battle Royale. So, I did.
And then I had the urge to rewatch Battle Royale II. So, I did.

What I realized:
1.) BR II is a hideously ridiculous movie. I think it was meant to make a controversial point, and maybe even be inspirational...but I was, "oh. so uhm. who died again? Do I need to care at this point?" 
2.) I ship Shuya + Noriko....a... lot. Why?

Happy News!  I'm taking Illustration again!  In this class we do a lot of pen & ink work. To ease my way back to pen & ink I decided to do some BR fan art in this particular media:
Red! RED! So much REDDddddd!!
Shuya and Noriko had a certain subtle and beautiful chemistry, in my opinion, that shined through the blood bath.
I find Fujiwara Tatsuya (Shuya Nanahara) to be very beautiful but I find him so difficult to draw!  My mind keeps on telling me that his face is a very flatly smooshed egg, and my hands can't seem to comprehend what my mind is relaying.  This was my third attempt to draw him but UGH. So, I splashed red ink on his face.  I think by the time I got to Maeda Aki (Noriko Nakagawa) I think I got a little bit of hang of what I was doing with the pen & ink and I assess that she looks "decent".  

PS- I liked Hunger Games movie, it has its own charms but I think Battle Royale is still the better made movie.  I also don't think Hunger Games "ripped off" Battle Royale, despite the eerie similarity of their premises, mostly because of the attitudes of the main characters and the feelings I felt when watching the movies.  When I watched Hunger Games, I felt a slight feeling of hope and excitement; while with Battle Royale I felt despair, sadness, and a great anger (there might have been a feeling of hope somewhere but ...).

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