Tuesday, February 25, 2014

People watching has now become People Stalking

Lately, I've been sneaking around drawing people...to a point that it has become kind of stalker-ish.  So, here are some of my favorite pages from my sketchbook:

For observational sketching of people, I generally sketch in pen for speed but sometimes if I feel like I have the time, I sketch in pencil.  
A coworker. Sometimes he stares intensely at the computer...looking at kittens.
One of the few times someone had stayed still enough that I could try to sketch out the planes of their face. 

Some of my coworkers and some of our costumers.  The girl was at a really good angle for me to draw her without her noticing that I was drawing her.
This girl had a such a great smile and she maintained it for quite a while.

I don't like the smell of sharpies, but boy oh boy, are they fun to sketch with.  Now I feel like my sketchbook can make someone high from the sharpie smell.
A lovely girl coworker and her lovely smile.  She consciously let me draw her in front of her.

I was bored one day so I drew my dad.

People working hard. Very hard.  Study on, young 'ums.

Ultra fine sharpie is the beast.
It looks like him. Yupe, that's all I really have to say.
Ah~ She's my favorite model.  1.) She's lovely 2.) She stays still 3.) for some reason she's easy to draw 4.) She knows that I creep around drawing people, and I don't think she's creeped out by me...yet.

Pilot Precise V5 and/or Razor point pen:
My usual sketching tool
People from my Archaeology class while they made their final presentations.  Covert People Sketching was tricky because I sat in the front row.

People from my figure drawing class

More people from my figure drawing class. For a class about drawing people...I'm really surprised that no one else was drawing each other

One of my adorable regulars who would watch me draw, rather than ask me math questions.

Frixion Point Pen:
My new favorite sketching toy.
Sketching with Frixion Point Pen makes me feel like a sketching genius because I can erase the guide lines and pretend like I magically whipped out a clean sketch.

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