Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Horror of Painting digitally

View the Horror.
She is a victim of my first digital painting that was done in Photoshop, from beginning to end.
I am ashamed. I want to go bury myself somewhere.
Pfft.  This is what happens when I stray away from my usual cartoon/caricature-style.  At least I tried, I TRIED.  I REALLY REALLY TRIED.

Watch my process of doom and amuse yourselves:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. lol i remember my first digital painting and i remember reformatting my computer along with it. But it's a good start, better than what i did.

    1. Haha thanks.This actually isn't my first digital painting but it's my first time using just Photoshop, either way it's fkhgekrjtoeijkjsngh! frustating. I probably should practice more XD

  3. I think you should keep on doing some more digital paintings in spite of the frustration. There are some good things happening with you painting...just my two cents worth.

    1. *takes two cents*

      I will use these two cents wisely.
