Saturday, August 11, 2012

Hello Recycle Bin, Or Not

Today we were cleaning out our bookshelf and I found a secret folder nudged behind the bookshelf.
And the secret folder contained these lovelies( or not) from about 1~2 years ago:
...and I didn't have the urge to throw them out!!  Shocking!

Okay, allow me to explain why this might be a shocker.
Plain and Blunt: I have an habit of throwing away my drawings/art work.  It's just an habit that developed from childhood.  It relieves stress/frustration for me.  Some people drink alcohol. Some people punch their pillows.  Me? I like to ceremoniously throw out piles and piles of my drawings/doodle/art.  I'll sometimes scrummage my room for doodles I can throw out, and I have a folder of doodles for whenever I have the urge to meet with the Recycle Bin. I also think that my style changes rather often so after more than a year, I can't stand looking at my older stuff; hence therefore (goody, a redundancy) I like to symbolically murder my older atrocities. 
But these?  They're kind of nice, especially because I actually like this style but I don't draw in this style very often these days and I don't have patience for this kind of detail...

...and LOOK!  The right sketch has a COFFEE STAIN on the right hand corner! Very fitting for this blog, don't you think?

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