Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Confessions of a Straight Alliance

I support love because, well, why not?

I'm kind of a terrible Straight Alliance because I do not often actively show my support but changing my Facebook Profile Picture is something even I can do.

Currently, I don't understand why I have more rights to a marriage than a gay person. That seems rather odd, doesn't it? Just because I am straight, I have more rights to marry a person, even though I've never been in love, than a gay couple madly in love with each other.  That's like having nifty baking equipment, but not knowing how to bake or even know what ingredients to buy.  I am like the confused and skill-less baker, while the gay couple are the skilled bakers deprived of their equipment...

...and I think I should stop typing before I rattle into completely convoluted and senseless analogies.

P.S.- I think my subconscious had an ulterior motive also by changing my profile to this -- plugging my drawing...

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