Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Doodle this Deedle -- part 2, I guess?

I  haven't been doing as much of the Doodle this Deedle Blog daily doodles as I would like and I missed a lot of fun doodles themes.  It's okay, I might go back and do some when I have time or bored.

My name is Rie.  I have a problem.  I buy art supplies that I really don't need.
So when the art store had a sale, I bought FW inks: Marine Blue and Burnt Umber.  To be honest, the Marine Blue wasn't as blue as I wanted but I still found it very lovely.

One  Daily Doodle was to: Draw something that makes you happy!
I have an unhealthy obsession for a former Takarazuka actress, Haurno Sumire, who was the top star for Flower troupe from 2002 to 2007/8.  Her singing is magical. 
To me, Haruno Sumire is a goddess.  True goddesses are hard to draw.  That's what I keep on telling myself an excuse for not being able to capture her full loveliness.

This was fun one to do. The theme was to draw a Puke Fairy.  At first I was going to draw something gross. and anorexic, but I realized that I didn't really want to draw gross. Then I had an urge to a womanly woman. Rather, I drew this fairy who is a matronly English lady who helps you puke, and then give you tea and biscuits  She is fully equipped with a face mask and a puke bucket.
Yupe, drawn in coffee and Marine Blue FW ink .

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