Sunday, September 23, 2012

[30 DDC] Day 6 --Favorite Book Character

The complete assignment was "Favorite character from a book that is not a movie"
All my favorite characters are from books that have been turned into a movie. 
What does that say about me?  Do I lack intelligence?
Anyway, I cheated and chose Ender from Ender's Game, even though I know that they're making a movie.  "Making" is the operative.  It's not completed, so it's okay right?
Done in Pen, brush,  and black and white ink.  I finally understood how to properly do the splatter thing with  the brush. I got ink all over my hands.  It was wonderful.
I had a hard time drawing the body...hence, I went "screw you. Black it all out and I will draw big ol' open space" and that is what I did.

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