Saturday, September 22, 2012

Crappy manga-ing and What I draw in class now

So, 30 Day Drawing Challenge.  It was harder than it looked.  Much harder.  Keeping up with it while taking classes, working, and studying for a college entrance exam is not as easy as instant pudding, it's more like easy as making Merengue Dutch chocolate pie from scratch kind of easy. For this week's update I present you shit I drew in the summer!!

I've been kind of frustrated with life so I've been doing a lot of crappy manga-ing. To be completely honest, I don't really have any grief over my manga-style.  I am actually rather fond of it. As of late though, I only draw in this style when I am restless.  It's called "crappy manga-ing" because I do it mindlessly and my only concern is to make it look pretty, thus lacking in storytelling value, which is something I find important.  Also part of the charm of crappy manga-ing is I draw on scratch paper so I won't grow attach to it.  I apologize  if the print going across the images annoy you.

First on the list is:

I name thee...Period Fiction fanart!! 
When the movie Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter came out, I thought wouldn't it be interesting if Felicity and all the other American girls were potential vampire slayers?  And the books are just chronicles of their lives before their rise to the patriotic heroines who protected their beloved country from blood-sucking living deads.  It should be a comic book.
To me August is kind of  a Kenshin month for me.  August is the month of one my friend's birthday and she is also a Kenshin fan, sometimes I wonder if she's a bigger fan than me.  The Live Action movie of Kenshin also came out in August 2012.  One of my favorite online artist, Hakubaiko, used to hold Kenshin fanart contests in August.  I never got to  participate in the contest because she tragically passed away, rather young too.  It's one of the many things I regret. Rest in Peace, Hakubaikou. I drew Kenshin based on the actor who plays him in the live action but...the drawing itself started to scare me, so I stopped to save my soul.

In the summer I watched X-Men: The First Class, a dvd I bought for $3 at a Japanese second hand bookstore. Legit copy. Best Buy ever!! 

As we move along to second:
Oh look how my OC is obnoxiously thinking she can block a Mutant punch.  

Like many, I too was sucked into the awesome that is Charles x Erik Bromance, christianed Cherik.  And I did what any fangirl would do.  Look up fanfiction and emerse thyself in the fandom guilty pleasures.  Sadly, I was disappointed in the fandom.  Mostly because of the portrayal of Cherik and Raven.  Charles was mostly portrayed as helpless, hopeless pretty boy who would not or could not resist the advances of Erik or Shaw, and usually put in a hostage/slave situations.  Erik was ...I don't even want to discuss the issues I had with fanfic Erik.  Most of the time, I just wanted to kill him, which is sad because I like XFC movie Erik.   Then, there's Raven.  She was portrayed as a ignorant cockblock, whiny bitch, bubbly idiot, or  militant lesbian (which I have no idea where this comes from.  I guess the author thought, well everyone in this fic is gay so let's make her gay too!).  This saddened me even further because I liked Jennifer Lawerence's portrayal and her relationship with Charles and Erik.  So I resolved my issues as a mature adult. Retaliated by inserting my original character into these fanfiction.  These doodle sketches were actually kind of fun period for me because I actually referenced James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, and Jennifer Lawerence when I was mangatizing them.

I call this doodle dump Story for Monsieur Beautifully Youthful and Lady FicMessiah (personal joke)
Mon. Beautifully Youthful is my fellow James McAvoy fan and Lady FicMessiah helped me get good Cherik fanfics, thus restoring my faith in fic writers.

Technically, I didn't draw these in the summer.  In the past I used to do crappy manga-ing during class to stay awake.  Now I draw classmates in class.  I don't know if that means I evolved as an artist or I just lack imagination now in comparison to my past self.

...if you read this far, uhm, thank you? You're a true trooper.

So I leave you with another dump of crappy manga-ing inspired by Resident Evil live action and Zombie Apocalypses and North & South...
Ah,  a little modern John Thornton head stalking modern Margaret Hale as she tries on the lettuce dress. 


  1. Neve here. I wouldn't consider your doodles as manga-ing but I can see why you describe it as such. Your style is this mix of chibi and realism. It's so refreshing. *__* I've never seen anything like it. I would say, the characters just look a bit too similar at times. I have that problem myself so I try to draw more diverse faces by referencing photographs.

    Fandom is strange. I rarely find fanfiction that stay true to the characters' true personalities as well as have a good plot.

    Hope everything works out. I know balancing work and school is a challenge. Hope you get to squeeze in more drawing time too!

    1. My official name for Crappy Manga-ing is "the-style-I-will-draw-in-if-I-ever-draw-graphic-novels." @_@ But it's too long, and this style evolved from my manga drawings so I call it Crappy Manga-ing for short. Yeah, that's the problem with this style -- everyone starts too look the same. I'm hoping this will be remedied one day as I continue to draw ppl from life and do caricatures. Thanks for the compliment about my style. I'm really trying to make it my own.

      OMG, I knoW!! Why is fandom so strange? You know what, who am I kidding? I think of strange things about fandoms too. It's frustrating when they make rape/violence as an element to "build character" and "thicken the plot." Really? This is how you going to resolve the characters' issues? seriously? WTF?

      D'awww thanks for commenting! Lately, I've been getting all sorts of encouragement so I'm actually making an effort to draw and making them itneresting. In the past I used to not draw for months at a time.

    2. Holy shit. I didn't realize I wrote a novel for a comment

    3. Haha This is nothing. I've seen people write long descriptions for every single sentence.

      Ah okay. haha That's pretty cool. Do you have a lot of story ideas already? I know I do but I don't have a proper work ethic.

      Rape/violence to thicken the plot is in most things. It just gets ridiculous when it's so obvious that they're using those elements to build character. I laugh the strange things off if it's for the sake of crack (like I came across a fanfic where Sasuke gets paired with a cupcake), but you can tell when the author's floundering around in bullshit water.

      I'm glad you're getting lots of encouragement. You've got a talent in art and you clearly love drawing a lot. It makes me smile as well. :D

    4. I have lots of ideas too!! but my work ethic is buried 6 feet deep under.

      I actually, probably like many others, have that EPIC story from childhood that I have been building. But that story is so convoluted and unorganized with muchos characters. I doubt it would ever exist out of my mind.

      But then...I've had these really exciting dreams recently that I want to string together as a story and make a one shot comic to test things out.

  2. Ha, the epic story from childhood...totally. I would still write it out then sort out the mess. Worse things have gotten to the shelves.
