Monday, September 10, 2012

[30DDC] Day 5 -- Best Friend

So, yes, it appears that I've fallen behind on the 30 day drawing challenge.  Let's just say that I've been on hiatus.

Anyway, my "best friend" is my Right Hand.

Yes, I live a sadly lonely and pathetic life.

But if you think about it, my right hand has all the qualities of a best friend:
  1. It doesn't judge me
  2. It's there for me in both the good and bad times. 
  3. It helps me study.
  4. It entertains/draws for me.
  5. It helps create worlds for me.
  6. It listens to me...if I ever, er, want to talk to it.
Makes sense, right?

I found drawings that I did when I was a youngster and they were all mermaids. Lots and lots of mermaids. With Red Hair.  I suspect that I was a fan of Disney's Little Mermaid. So I did kind of a Before and After type drawing to represent my "evolution."

Done in Prismacolor Fine liners (various sizes), Tombow Dual Brush Pens, and a little bit of grey Copic markers.

PS --I went a little overboard with this drawing because I was listening to lab safety rules for a really long time and I got bored.  My imagination just ran with it.

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