Wednesday, September 5, 2012

[30DDC] Day 4 - Favorite Place

I like empty campuses.
I'm weird like that and I'm a loner, basically.
But that's not what I drew.
UCLA  is unofficially separated into 2 campuses: North Campus (liberal arts) and South Campus (science).  North Campus is very beautiful, with sculpture gardens and pretty architecture; while South Campus is a confusing cluster of concrete buildings.  Because I was a biology major, I spent most of my time in South Campus, which I nicknamed Concrete City.   In this Concrete City there is a botanical garden that is apparently used for research.  I loved this botanical garden because no one went there and I love the irony of a botanical garden hidden in the middle of a "concrete city."  It reminded me of Secret Garden, a place no one knows.  I spent my lunches and breaks here between classes rather often.  I had some pictures of this garden but I don't have a shot from my favorite spot so I had to do it from memory.

I feel like the quality of my drawings is going down as the days go by for this challenge. Oh well.


  1. lol, so was this your favorite hangout spot? I think the drawing is fine but sometimes you gotta struggle b4 you perfect things.

  2. Yeah, it was one of my favorite places. I generally like empty and secluded places. This was a time period I didn't draw much and when I did draw, I drew science diagrams. So,now I regret not drawing at this place when I was there.

    And I totally agree abt the struggle-perfect bit. WE MUST STRUGGLE TO SUCCEED!!!
